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Minggu, 28 November 2010

Beautiful Pink Beach Komodo Island

In addition to being habitat for native animals Ancient Komodo, Komodo Island also has a natural beauty that is extraordinary or the Pink Beach Pink Beach. Pink Beach has pink sand, perfect blue sea and green hills, the amazing underwater life. Beautiful beach is located on a small hill with dry land at the rear.

in the world there are only seven beaches have pink sand, one of which is the Pink Beach on the island of Komodo, Coral reefs are also good, especially if the sand was washed away by the waves, the color pink on the sand the more obvious plasticity.

Create a tourist who likes to do marine tourism activities such as swimming, snorkeling, diving or just sunbathing Pink Beach is a place that fits ..

Komodo Island to be one candidate or the New 7 wonders of the world's newest. If we do not want the Komodo Island Indonesia kebangaan eliminated, let's vote for the islands of Komodo and Komodo Vote now at: http://www.new7wonders.com/n7w

#Rain performs at closing ceremony of 2010 Asian Games

27-11-2010, to view the video performance rain in asian games 2010: 

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

eruption of Mount Merapi,,,, PRAY FOR INDONESIA

                                    enormity of the eruption of Mount Merapi
                                                            ash rain along the way


Sabtu, 06 November 2010

LOVE HIM.................. =)


                                           very sexy =)

Jumat, 05 November 2010

kritik dan saran

teman-teman jika ingin memberikan komentar tentang blog aku silahkan,,,, atau kritiK dan kalian mempunyai saran,, saya akan terima semuanya...................
saya, akan berusaha mencoba lebih baik lagi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
jika, bisa tolong follow my blog................

thanks friend.....................
salam RIRIN.........

Merapi volcano fatalities since, till this day

The death toll from the eruption of Mount Merapi continues to grow. Up to 5 November 2010, at 16:00, carrying 69 people died and 71 suffered burns
Thus, the number of people killed by the eruption of Mount Merapi, while reaching 113 people. On October 26, 2010 eruption, 44 people were killed, including Mbah Maridjan.
Meanwhile, the head of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Syamsul Maarif Center Dr., explaining the current eruption of Mount Merapi, the number of refugees has reached 127 thousand. The details are 27 thousand refugees are in Yogyakarta, and about 100 thousand are in Central Java.

Tips for Dealing with Volcanic Ash Rain................

People exposed to dust from volcanic eruptions usually have complaints on the eyes, nose, skin and symptoms of pain in her throat. These health effects can result from exposure to short-term or long term.
For people who suffer from bronchitis, emphysema and asthma, you should immediately take special precautions to avoid a more severe condition that can cause additional stress cardio-pulmonary (heart-lung stress excess).
The rain of volcanic ash is generally composed of irregularly shaped particles, sharp and jagged. With the combination and irregular shape made of volcanic ash is very devastating.
Abu issued varies depending on the intensity, particle size, strength and speed eruption memabwa wind particles. Rain this ash could be accompanied by thunder, lightning is loud and strong sulfur smell.
Excerpted from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Monday (11/01/2010) there are several ways you can do to prevent volcanic ash into the body, namely:

1. Try to stay in the house or place of refuge as much as possible, this is to minimize exposure to dust. Also avoid heavy activity.
2. If you have asthma or other respiratory problems, be sure to have a sufficient supply of medication management and learn to breathe. If other respiratory problems contact your doctor immediately.
3. Try to avoid the door or window when the accumulation of ash coming.
4. If you want to get out, use a face mask to reduce inhalation of ash particles. Using a mask can make an advanced breathing more difficult, but it is important to avoid inhalation of ash.
5. If no mask, use a handkerchief, cloth or other clothing that can filter out dust particles. To enhance its effectiveness can be moistened cloth using water.
6. Use eyeglasses and contact lenses release to protect the eyes from irritation.
7. Try to always use the long sleeves and long pants if you want to move or clean up ashes.
8. Be careful when taking a drink of water, try water consumed is not exposed to or contaminated by volcanic ash.
9. Try to prepare a first aid such as medicine, drink, food and clothes.
10. If exposed to burns, injuries and inhaling gases or ash, immediately seek medical help to get treatment.
11. Burns caused by volcanic ash are generally deeper and can reach the muscle, for that needed immediate relief for the more widespread severe burns that may not result in death.
What about first aid?
If eye exposure to ash or dust, there are several things you can do as first aid, namely:

1. Try not to rub your eyes, because it will make the eye surface scratches that will cause infections such as red eye or irritation.
2. Close your eyes for a moment, because the tears will try to clean the eye from dust or particles that enter.
3. If not managed to be by dipping the eye into the clean water to help remove it.
4. If not get out too soon take it to the doctor to get treatment.

If the body burns, there are several things you can do, namely:

1. Try to clean the wound if not severe by using the water flow.
2. When the body is exposed to severe burns, the body itself will remove fluid to treat it.
3. If the burn is deep or wide, immediately seek medical help. This is to prevent the occurrence of more severe organ damage and dehydration which can lead to death.
If you experience shortness of breath due to inhaling the ash, there are several things you can do, namely:

1. Give relief inhaler inhalers.
2. Helping someone to a comfortable position, especially sit up straight, leaning back, do not position the person to lie down.
3. Try to get her to breathe slowly and deeply.
4. Try to take him to a place that is cleaner to avoid exposure to more severe.
5. If the drug inhalers no effect or even worse, get medical help.(detik)

Toxic Gas Threat Behind the Merapi volcano ash rain

The rain of ash is not the only threat of the eruption of Mount Merapi, because bursts of volcanic material that is usually accompanied by toxic gases. Because of its mild and colorless gas that sometimes slide further but not realized. 3 types of toxic gas that can be found in any volcanic eruptions, including Mount Merapi. All three are sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.
sulfur dioxide poisoning is characterized by difficulty breathing, chest pain, irritation to eyes, nose and throat, coughing and others. Because it contains sulfur, are easily recognizable from the stinging stench that can cause shortness of breath.Poisonous gas that is also easily recognizable from the odor is hydrogen sulfide, which smells like a fart sharp. In the lower levels even if this gas can lead to irritation of the eyes, while at high levels can irritate penafasan channel.While the poisonous gases from volcanic eruptions that its appearance is often not realized because carbon dioxide is odorless. And this gas has a higher density than air, so easily carried away to a place that is lower settlements.Increased carbon dioxide can cause respiratory problems, with appropriate severity levels in the inhaled air. At levels of more than 5 percent of this gas can cause shortness of breath, while at levels more than 30 percent can cause death.
several steps to prevent the negative effects of poison gas.
1. Mask2. Health authorities in areas of refugee3. Relevant authorities (such as Kementian Environment) should rigorously monitor the elevated levels of toxic gases this volcanic


Lumajang - Mount Semeru, which has a height of 3676 meters continue to move. Data obtained from the Post Monitor Mount Semeru in Sawur, in the last 24 hours, the earthquake occurred 4 times incandescent lava from the top of Semeru.In addition to 4 times incandescent lava quake, the seismic data in the Post Monitor Mount Semeru in Sawur also recorded gusts of 50 times the earthquake (the release of energy from the belly of Mount Semeru). 35 times the earthquake tremors. Seismic also recorded a time of tectonic earthquake far, which can occur more than 100 KM from sensors installed.Pyroclastic avalanches that did not result in impacts on human life around the mountain, because the settlement still far away, or about 11 kilometers from the summit of Mount Semeru. but the impact on the plant.


I'm very sad to see the situation in the Mentawai and in Yogyakarta. especially in Yogyakarta, Mount Merapi still produce hot cloud, even overnight rain smoothed out the gravel. resulted in residents should evacuate at a distance more than 20km. I always pray that this disaster ends soon. noted, someone had died overnight. current conditions in Yogyakarta is very chaotic. streets covered with ash. therefore, residents are encouraged to wear masks.we all need to always pray for our beloved country, Indonesia.I'm very sad to see the citizens who are elderly. they look weak to walk. God Almighty, I beseech always protect them.

Perempatan Ringroad Selatan, Jl Bantul Yogyakarta diselimuti material pasir dan abu vulkanik. (Oleg Widoyoko). (detik.com)

Senin, 01 November 2010

6 Fakta Unik tentang Menstruasi pada perempuan

Bagi sebagian perempuan, masa menstruasi bisa sangat mengganggu. Sementara itu, yang lain bisa melewatinya dengan santai-santai saja. Datangnya mens bisa membuat Anda lega, bisa juga membuat Anda kecewa berat. Dalam kenyataannya, banyak hal bisa terjadi akibat pengaruh menstruasi ini. Banyak fakta yang tergolong unik. Beberapa di antaranya bahkan bisa bermanfaat untuk Anda.

1. Ingin diet? Awali pada minggu pertama dari siklus hormon Anda. Menurut sebuah studi dari Tufts University, Anda cenderung makan 12 persen lebih sedikit pada minggu ini dan mengalami penurunan hormon yang menyebabkan Anda ngidam makanan tertentu.

2. Bila ingin berhenti merokok, coba lakukan pada paruh kedua siklus menstruasi Anda. Penelitian yang dilakukan University of Minnesota pada tahun 2008 menunjukkan bahwa estrogen adalah hal yang menyebabkan Anda ingin mendapatkan substansi yang sifatnya adiktif, seperti nikotin. Ketika kadar hormon ini menurun pada minggu ketiga dan keempat, Anda tidak lagi begitu menikmati rokok. Saat itulah Anda bisa berhenti merokok.

3. Menstruasi bisa membuat Anda sulit berbicara. Menurut studi yang sama dari University of Minnesota, progesteron mengacaukan kemampuan verbal Anda sehingga Anda selalu salah mengucapkan kata-kata dan jadi lemot. Hormon ini jugalah yang menyebabkan Anda sembelit atau kembung. Jadi, tambahkan menu serat dan banyak minum air putih agar fisik tetap bugar.

4. Mood swing, yang merupakan gejala menstruasi, bisa menular. Jika pasangan Anda menjadi moody pada saat Anda sedang mens, Anda bisa membantunya untuk mengembalikan mood baiknya. "Ada bukti bahwa fluktuasi testosteron setiap bulan bisa menghasilkan gejala mirip PMS pada pria," kata Jed Diamond, psikoterapis asal California yang juga menulis buku Male Menopause.

Menurut sebuah studi yang dipresentasikan di 11th Biennial Conference untuk Society for Menstrual Research, pria yang mengisi kuesioner mengeluhkan mood swing bulanan yang mirip dengan yang dialami kaum perempuan. Meskipun demikian, masih diperlukan penelitian lanjutan mengenai hal ini.

5. Teman sekamar Anda bisa ikut mens ketika Anda sedang mens. Hal ini disebabkan oleh siklus bulanan. Para ahli juga mengatakan bahwa tanda-tanda kimiawi pada tubuh seorang perempuan kemungkinan ditiru oleh tubuh perempuan lain. Ini tidak mengherankan karena perempuan yang tinggal bersama biasanya juga mengalami stres yang sama. Penyebab stres yang sama bisa memengaruhi waktu menstruasi mereka.

6. Menstruasi bisa bikin Anda diare. Senyawa kimia yang memicu kontraksi saluran kemih untuk membantu mengeluarkan darah secara tidak sengaja menyebabkan usus Anda untuk ikut berkontraksi. Anda bisa mengonsumsi obat pereda rasa sakit pada serangan nyeri ini untuk menghentikan kontraksi.